Why Wearing SPF Is A MUST?

If you want to avoid sun damage, minimize your chances of developing skin cancer, and prevent the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, there is no better product than SUNSCREEN!

When lying out on the beach, most of us are well aware of the importance of wearing SPF. However, regular use of sunscreen, beach or no beach, is essential if you want to maintain healthy, glowing skin for the long run.

Sunblock is the one product you must apply daily if you want good skin. It’s mind-boggling that 90% of how quickly your skin ages may be prevented by limiting your time in the sun. But due to a common misconception among the general public that sunscreen is only necessary to prevent sunburn, many of us only apply it when tanning or on vacation.

You will be surprised to see the photographs taken by the New England Journal of Medicine that shows the face of an elderly truck driver, 69 years old, who spends most of his time working outside. As you can see in this comparison, the sun’s power is pretty obvious.

The damage to his left side of the face is apparently due to the thickening, deepening wrinkles and drooping skin caused by him working for 28 years as a truck driver and NOT wearing sunscreen. We’re not sure what else could convince you to start using sunscreen every day if not this.

Sun Damage Explained

The sun’s spectrum contains a wide variety of radiation. Ultraviolet (UV) rays are the most harmful to our skin. In terms of ultraviolet radiation that reach the Earth’s surface, UVB and UVA are two of the most common types.

Sunburn is caused by UVB rays, which are absorbed by the skin. Additionally, UVB rays are responsible for most skin malignancies, including the deadly black mole. On the other hand, UVA radiation is linked to skin cancer. Premature aging of the skin, including the development of wrinkles, is made worse by UVA radiation because they penetrate deeper into the skin.

Approximately 500 times more UVA radiation than UVB rays can be found in the sunlight. This means that in addition to preventing damage to your skin caused by UVB radiation, you must also protect yourself from the more prevalent UVA rays.

What Does SPF Mean?

SPF is an abbreviation for Sun Protection Factor, followed by numbers 15, 20, 30, 40, 50, and so on, which indicates how long it would take the sun’s UVB rays to burn skin when the product is applied directed on the label. For example, an SPF 40 means that it would take 40 times longer for skin to burn when exposed to the sun. The SPF number only relates to protection against UVB rays. Look for the term “wide spectrum” on the package to guarantee that the product protects against UVA rays.

Skin Loft’s Sunscreen Range

Skin Loft is a go-to boutique Med Spa in New York City. Apart from the latest advancements and science-proven skincare for face and body enhancements, we offer skincare products to help people achieve their skin goals.

You may not think about what you want in sunscreen very often. Still, we’re willing to guess that if you did, your wishlist might look something like this: Broad-spectrum protection against damaging UVA and UVB radiation and some built-in boosters to improve the appearance and feel of your skin.

The good news is that it exists. Get your hands on Skin Loft’s HA Physical Tinted SPF 44 and Physical Sunscreen SPF 47.

Developed with Titanium Dioxide and Zinc Oxide to give physical protection, the Physical Sunscreen SPF 47 applies on top of the skin to deflect and scatter harmful ultraviolet radiation. This is an excellent choice for delicate skin types and skin that has recently undergone a surgical operation.

A transparent, universal tint suitable for most skin types, HA Physical Tinted SPF 44 is a water-resistant physical sunscreen with a hydrating base and a sheer, universal tint. It is a chemical-free alternative to traditional sun protection suitable for even the most delicate skin types, especially those recovering from cosmetic procedures.

Laser Away Your Sun Damage – Laser Sunspot Removal Treatment

Long, leisurely summer days spent sunbathing once gave beautiful, bronze tan on your skin. However, fast forward ten years and take another look. The results of those unprotected hours spent in the sun are now visible on your body. Do you think you’ll ever be able to turn back the hands of time? Fortunately, researchers are shedding light on methods you can use to reverse sun damage, and Laser Sun Spot Removal is one of them.

The Alexandrite laser can effectively treat pigmentation, brown spots, and birthmarks. The laser light targets pigmented spots only, causing them to break up and fade away due to the heat. During the healing process, the treated areas may appear black and rough, and they may be sensitive for up to a week. It is critical not to pick at scabbing or wash the affected areas too harshly to avoid unwanted scarring.

So, what are you waiting for?

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